Vryheidsfront Plus

Suid-Afrika se sportminister dans die Gupta-wals

Suid-Afrika se minister van sport slaan elke politieke sportbal aan wat in sy rigting kom. Tog wil hy alleen-skeidsregter speel oor die wel en weë van al die sportlui in die land. Hy is so koel dat hy nie die Gangnam-styl dans nie. Hy doen die Gupta-wals.

Hier volg die volledig toespraak van adv. Anton Alberts, die VF Plus se parlementêre woordvoerder oor sport en ontspanning, soos dit vandag gelewer is met die begrotingspos-debat van die departement van handel en nywerheid:

About two years ago I was invited to meet with the minister and his minions. There they tried to explain in detail how they are about to transform South African rugby and other sport into domains where minorities will be barely tolerated. As I listened to them and tried to argue the irrationality and racism of their plans I was confronted with an Orwellian coldness.

For I knew what I was listening to was the musings and arguments of people cloaking their racism in rational terms, the very same type of rational thoughts that permeated the Soviet Union in its efforts to engineer its society by ridding themselves of the unwanted ones. Now the minister has stepped up his program of social engineering by blackmailing national sport bodies into submission.

Dit gebeur ten spyte daarvan dat Suid-Afrika ‘n grondwetlike demokrasie gegrond op menseregte is. Hoe is dit moontlik sou mens vra? Daar is drie oorwegende beweegredes, naamlik politieke desperaatheid, ideologie en die kultus van persoonlikheid.

Die politieke desperaatheid van die ANC is gebore uit die komende verkiesing. Dit is ‘n feit dat die EFF tans die ANC uitpresteer in sy politieke veldtog. Die ANC moet dus desperate spronge maak en gebruik hierdie begroting om te sorg dat hulle die regte geluide maak om die verlies van hul stembasis te keer.

Die ironie is egter dat navorsing tans wys dat die meeste mense in die land meriete in die werksplek en sport eerste stel. Die ANC is dus heeltemal uit voeling met hoe die gewone kieser dink. Gewone mense wil hê spanne moet wen en die beste spelers moet daarom gekies word.

Vir die ANC is dit egter belangriker as die span se demografie reg is as om te presteer. Bafana Bafana is ‘n goeie voorbeeld. Dit is een van die mees onderpresterende sokkerspanne ter wêreld, en meestal sonder ‘n bruin, Indiër of wit gesig.

The second inspiration arises from the ANC’s NDR whereby all domains of human existence must reflect the country’s demographic profile. This rational irrationality has now reached such idiotic proportions that the national cricket team actually lost the previous World Cup as the Cricket Board forced a demographic quota resulting in the fielding of players not ready due to injuries.

This so-called rationality of social engineering is of course completely misplaced. You never hear white people in the USA complain that the basketball teams are too black. They accept that they are the best players. Finish en klaar.

This is of course all very irrational in the eyes of the international sports bodies and that is why we have just yesterday laid complaints with those bodies against the minister’s political meddling.

Die derde oorsaak van sport se dilemma lê in die persoonlikheidskultus van ons agbare minister. ‘n Mens moet jouself afvra hoe iemand wat nie ‘n rugbybal kan vang nie, nie ‘n sokkerbal kan skop nie en nie ‘n krieketbal kan gooi nie, ‘n minister van sport kan wees?

One has to ask yourself what makes this minister qualified to be the sport minister and why should there be something at all like a sports ministry. Why do they deserve a budget every year? For when you scan South African society the following images appears: black children playing soccer in dusty streets in the absence of sports fields; existing sports fields decimated due to lack of maintenance, athletes who have to pay their own way to international sports events while SASCOC finances overweight ANC politicians to travel to Rio de Janeiro; sports development being financed by the private sector and white people who have a passion for sports and children; and a large absence of development by government.

So wat is die minister se ware suksesse tot op datum?

The minister is quite the successful socialiser with celebrities. We know he parties with Beyoncé and other famous people. We also know that he is so cool that he does not do Gangnam-style; he does it all Gupta-style.

The problem is, however minister, that Beyoncé could not give a hoot who you are. Those celebs are all self-made millionaires. In contrast, you are a Gupta minister that’s destroying SA sport. You don’t deserve to be a minister and your department has no right to existence.

Moet tog nie bekommerd hieroor wees nie; u gaan eendag wel bekend wees: As die minister wat sport in die land vernietig het.


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