Debat op Werkersdag: Die Viering van 100 jaar van Nelson Mandela – Herstel van arbeiders se reg tot waardigheid deur die nasionale minimumloon
Debate on Workers’ Day: Celebrating 100 years of Nelson Mandela – Restoration of workers’ rights to dignity through the National Minimum Wage
02 Mei 2018
Adv Anton Alberts – Vryheidsfront Plus // Freedom Front Plus
Agbare Speaker/ Adjunk-Speaker/ Voorsitter,
The idea of a national minimum wage, like many other ideas to create a more equitable world is a noble notion. However, it will remain a mere notion if the policy is not aligned with reality. Unfortunately it is not.
Vele studies van regoor die wêreld is al gedoen oor minimumlone, selfs deur die Wêreldbank, en telkens word daar bevind dit is minder skadelik en meer uitvoerbaar om die ekonomie te groei ten einde eendersyds werkskepping te vermeerder en andersyds lone te verhoog. Die voorvereiste vir ekonomiese groei is in wese om vryheid te verhoog en hoe meer markvryheid bestaan, hoe kleiner word ongelykheid.
The effect of the National Minimum Wage is going to be tragic and will not result in the upliftment of workers in a sustainable manner. In reality the following will take place:
• It will lead to job losses in those sectors where the poorest are employed, like miners and farm workers. They will unfortunately be replaced with machines;
• It will lock the unemployed completely out of the labour market as few new entry-level jobs will be created;
• The positive effect of the higher income of workers will be neutralised by higher consumer prices as businesses pass the higher labour costs on to consumers;
• Lastly, some businesses will simply uproot and re-establish themselves in friendlier business environments. The National Minimum Wage together with expropriation without compensation will lead to further disinvestment.
In teenstelling sal ‘n vrye mark met laer belastingkoerse meer beleggings na ons land toe trek. Firmas sal meer belê en dus meer werk skep. Ongelukkig, soos die gerekende ekonoom Mike Schussler sê, het Suid-Afrika van die beleggingsradar afgeval. Netto buitelandse investering was in 2017 minus 30,9% gewees. Dit beteken ons belê meer oorsee as wat die buiteland hier belê. Die Suid-Afrikaanse skip lek beleggingskapitaal en dit vernietig werk en hoër salarisse. Geen minimumloon kan die probleem herstel nie.
The 25 largest developing countries achieve an average nett foreign direct investment of 30%. If we can achieve that, it could mean up to 3 million new jobs. This can halve the unemployment rate and reduce inequality substantially. Salaries will grow on all levels while the middle class expands. Clearly, the government is looking in the wrong places for real solutions. Real solutions cannot be found in good intentions that flounders in the real world.
Die formule vir welvaart is welbekend. Die instel van ‘n minimumloon in ‘n omgewing waar disinvestering plaasvind is ongelukkig ‘n radikale afwyking van daardie pad.
Dankie Speaker.