Vryheidsfront Plus

Dronkbestuur-regter Motata kry na nege jaar steeds volle salaris

Na nege jaar is die veroordeelde dronkbestuur-regter Nkola Motata, steeds met volle salaris op spesiale verlof en kos hy die belastingbetaler van Suid-Afrika sedertdien reeds byna R14 miljoen, sê dr. Corné Mulder, hoofsweep van die VF Plus.

Die minister van justisie en korrektiewe dienste, Michael Masutha, het die inligting bevestig in antwoord op ‘n parlementêre vraag van dr. Mulder.

Motata is in 2009 in die Johannesburgse Hooggeregshof skuldig bevind op ‘n aanklag van dronkbestuur en is gevonnis tot ‘n boete van R20 000 of twaalf maande gevangenisstraf.

Dit blyk nou ook dat die regsproses teen Motata steeds nie afgehandel is nie en dit die afgelope nege jaar uitgerek is met verskeie regsaksies van die geskorste regter oor tegniese regsaspekte. Die aangeleentheid dien tans voor die Regterlike Gedragstribunaal.

Min. Masutha sê ook in sy antwoord regter Motata se spesiale verlof is nie onderhewig aan enige vereiste dat hy ‘n deel van sy salaris moet terugbetaal indien die Regterlike Gedragstribunaal hom skuldig sou bevind aan growwe wangedrag nie.

Dr. Mulder sê dit is ‘n skande dat toegelaat is dat die proses onbepaald uitgerek word terwyl die publiek van Suid-Afrika moet betaal om ‘n veroordeelde persoon in weelde te laat leef.

“Die VF Plus sal nou druk plaas op die Regterlike Gedragstribunaal om hierdie aangeleentheid sonder verwyl af te handel, en dring daarop aan dat Motata wel ‘n deel van sy salaris terugbetaal,” sê dr. Mulder.
Hier volg die volledige vrae en antwoorde:


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Dr C P Mulder (FF Plus) to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services:

(1) Whether a certain judge (Judge Motata) is still on special leave with full pay; if so, (a) why has the hearing of the specified person not yet been concluded and (b) what steps will be taken to conclude the hearing;

(2) whether any of the monies are repayable if the specified person is found guilty; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

(3) what is the total amount that has been paid to the specified person since being placed on special leave in 2007; NW2443E


(1) (a) Yes, Judge Motata is still on special leave with full pay.

(b) The complaints that were lodged against Judge Motata were referred by the Judicial Service Commission to a Judicial Conduct Tribunal to be investigated and reported on. The proceedings by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal were kept in abeyance following a series of legal challenges relating to the constitutionality of section 24 of the JSC Act which empowers the Tribunal President to appoint a member of the National Prosecuting Authority to collect and adduce evidence on behalf of the Tribunal. Following the conclusion of the legal challenges at the Constitutional Court, Judge Motata launched his own application challenging the constitutionality of the amendments passed by Parliament in 2008 which brought about the complaints handling mechanism against Judges. This application has resulted in the proceedings at the Judicial Conduct Tribunal being postponed until the finalisation of Judge Motata’s application.

(2) The matter is to be determined by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal however Judge Motata’s special leave is not subject to a condition that Judge would have to repay the moneys earned if he is found guilty of gross misconduct by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal.

(3) The total amount that has been paid to Judge Motata for the period 01 January 2007 to 31 October 2016 is R13 919 622 .36


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