The much-improved matric pass rate of 86,7% in the Western Cape demonstrates the spirit of perseverance inherent to all South Africans. Rising above challenging circumstances bears testament to it.
The pass rate is an improvement of 5,2% on 2023’s 81,5%, and the FF Plus congratulates every Western Cape matriculant who passed the exam on their achievement.
It certainly took hard work, diligence and discipline to reach this milestone.
This group of learners weathered the Covid-19 pandemic with its stringent restrictions in 2020 during their high school years. So, their secondary school experience and studies were marred by the national lockdown and Eskom’s frequent and equally disruptive power outages.
Many learners, particularly those from less affluent communities, also had to overcome serious socio-economic challenges, which were exacerbated by Covid-19.
In these communities, crime is a daily phenomenon while the high incidence of teenage pregnancy, food insecurity and a lack of family support structures are in themselves also huge obstacles.
It is, therefore, encouraging to hear that even children who attended quantile 1 to 3 schools also improved their matric pass rate.
The learners who did not make it in 2024 should not lose hope nor heart.
The FF Plus wants to encourage them to contact the Department of Basic Education for assistance to register for re-writing their matric or the subjects they failed. Just do not give up hope.
Well done to all the parents and teachers who supported the matriculants as well.
A bright future awaits those learners who believe in their dreams and who are willing to work hard to make them come true.