(NCOP debate: Heritage Day)
The Constitution is clear that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity which is why the FF Plus urges all South Africans – be proud for who and what you are. Be proud to be brown, be proud to be black be proud to be white.
South Africa is blessed with many diverse cultures, each with its own unique customs and own heritage and I can, without resentment or guilt, hold my head up high and proudly pronounce that I am an Afrikaner man.
I am proud to be a product of a people that marched into the unknown, that was formed in the red-earth of Africa, that with one hand on the plough and the other on God’s word, vowed to build and not to destroy.
I am proud to sing, write, love and fight in my language and this Heritage debate demonstrates the need for all South Africans to have education in their mother tongue and to enjoy their own culture of which they can be proud.
Our heritage is the legacy that we leave behind for generations to come. The way in which we act, work and govern will be bestowed on those who follow in our footsteps. We need to ask ourselves – will our actions be to the benefit of our children? Are we contributing in a positive way because every meeting we have, every discussion and debate is an action in real time that forms the history of tomorrow.
Our Afrikaner forefathers, just as we do today, sweated blood under oppression. They never gave up but marched on to build again a beautiful South Africa. They fought for their language, for their children and for the preservation of their values, without apology. Like today they reached a point where they said enough is enough.
We all have a responsibility to ourselves, our partners, our children to not capitulate. We are the products of our forebears, civilized, well spoken, innovative, helpful, friendly, humble and proud.
We all have a duty, now more than ever, to never sacrifice who we are but to preserve our cultures and humanity for the benefit of our children. Let the inheritance from our fathers become the legacy for our children.
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