Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Illegal land occupation at Polokwane a consequence of Expropriation Act

The illegal occupation of a piece of land in the Juju Valley in the Polokwane Local Municipality appears to be a direct consequence of the Expropriation Act’s enactment.

According to reports, the illegal occupants claim that the law allows them to occupy the land because it is vacant.

Such illegal occupations will become a frequent phenomenon if swift and stringent action is not taken against the illegal occupants.

While the law does not explicitly encourage illegal land occupation per se, its implementation could create serious problems.

The law will – as is already evident in this land occupation – have unforeseen consequences, which could be exploited for political gain and lead to conflict.

The ANC’s supposed instrument for transformation in the public interest will cost South Africa dearly.

The illegal land occupation confirms the FF Plus’s stance on the Act, and the party will fight tooth and nail to stop any expropriation without market-related compensation.



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