For years, rising groundwater levels have been causing problems in Kimberley's “Smartie Town” residential area just west of the De Beers residential area. Earlier this week, the FF Plus determined through tests that it is not purified water nor is it sewage water, but that it possibly originates from another source in the area due to illegal dumping.
The FF Plus yesterday submitted the matter to the Green Scorpions for investigation.
"Smartie Town" is a sought-after, low-cost residential area just west of De Beers. Its appearance is reminiscent of the Upper Cape with its simple gables and multicoloured paint.
Residing in the area has been spoilt for years by the excessive presence of groundwater that keeps rising to the surface. It damages the roads and houses while it also prevents any further development.
While campaigning for the upcoming municipal by-election in Sol Plaatje's Ward 21, in which this residential area falls, the FF Plus was struck by how much water is in the soil.
A complaint was also received from the owner of a caravan park in the area as it is nearly impossible for him to run his business under such conditions.
Some of the residents merely assumed that the cause of the problem is municipal water leakages. Sol Plaatje is known for only being able to account for about 40% of the water it extracts.
The FF Plus followed the water upstream and determined that there are no municipal water plants in the direction from which the water comes.
Water samples were taken in the field as well as from the municipal water network. Laboratory tests indicate that the water in the field bears no connection to the municipal water system.
Another cause for concern is that the water has a pH that is lower than the norm for boreholes in the vicinity, and high sulphur levels are setting alarm bells ringing.
Before these tests were conducted, the FF Plus approached the environmental official of a nearby mine to make an appointment to discuss the matter. It has not yet realised.
According to the FF Plus, there is sufficient evidence to request the so-called Green Scorpions to look into the matter.
The party does not want to point fingers at anyone, but believes that this institution has the authorisation and knowledge to thoroughly investigate the matter.
Ultimately, it is important to protect the properties of ordinary citizens, and to ensure that all wastewater is disposed of in accordance with the relevant legislation.