If the South African ship sinks, everyone will go down with it. Regardless of which party you support. So, it is in everyone’s best interest to cooperate to keep the ship afloat.
That is why the FF Plus used the slogan “Restore and Rebuild” for the recent elections. It demonstrates the party’s genuine commitment to a prosperous South Africa, which will benefit all its people.
In the process, a thorough and honest diagnosis of the problems threatening the ship needs to be made. South Africa is broken. Despite all its wealth, the economic growth rate is less than 1%. The rest of Africa’s growth equals 3,7% on average.
Crime is so rampant in the country that people simply do not feel safe. The shortcomings of the country’s criminal justice system need to be addressed thoroughly and holistically, because it is hindering the economy.
Unemployment currently stands at 42% and 60% of our youth do not have jobs.
President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed in his Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) yesterday that unemployment is a priority which warrants urgent attention. No-one can disagree with that.
The country can only be restored and rebuilt if decisive action is taken to resolve priority problems.
One such a problem is that local governments are mostly dysfunctional. Businesspeople who invest in a factory or some such enterprise become part of a municipality and their success depend greatly on proper service delivery.
Infrastructure also requires urgent attention, while all appointments in the public sector should be made on merit. The best person for the job should be appointed. That is not currently the case, though.
The FF Plus will continue to demonstrate its election message of restoring and rebuilding the country. The Government of National Unity (GNU) offers a golden opportunity to join hands and do just that.
Success can, however, not be achieved if policy decisions and undertakings remain mere words on paper. We should all eagerly shoulder the responsibility of putting words into action.
After all, the seats in Parliament belong to the people of South Africa and not government functionaries. We have a duty and responsibility towards the people of South Africa.
The FF Plus is fully committed to fulfilling its role in keeping the South African ship from going under.