For a community to survive, there must be rules and regulations. People need boundaries and different people react differently to these guidelines and restrictions. Prisons are there for those who do not keep to the set rules and regulations and should help these individuals to get back on the right track.
South Africa's society is becoming more and more criminal and violent and, unfortunately, the tendency is to continue this criminal culture in places of detention. Therefore, it is important to create circumstances in which criminals can be productive and learn new skills.
The FF Plus agrees that it would be a good initiative to teach detainees agricultural skills so that they can rather focus their time and attention on that. This will contribute to the rehabilitation of people in detention and over time, their schooled labour can make a positive contribution to the economy.
With regard to the Department of Administration, the FF Plus welcomes the quick cancellation of the African Global Operations (AGO) and Bosasa contracts. It is still disturbing that these contracts were allowed in the first place.
The FF Plus is also concerned about the irregular expenditure of R1,987 billion during the 2017/18 term. A much closer eye must be kept on the Department's expenditure and urgent attention must be paid to the remedial recommendations made by the Auditor-General (AG).
The incidence of escapes, violence and unnatural deaths at prisons remain unacceptably high and must be addressed.
Crime is the product of social problems in a community. Economic growth, job creation, proper education, law enforcement, a well-functioning criminal law system and especially moral rebirth are what is needed in this country to reduce crime and decrease the number of prisoners.
Prisons are overpopulated by 37% and in the FF Plus's opinion the Department's budget of R25,407 billion is insufficient given the crime situation in South Africa.
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