(Parliamentary debate: Covid-19 vaccination programme)
During today's parliamentary debate on the Covid-19 vaccination programme, the FF Plus's questions to the government were simple and straightforward: What programme? Where is the programme? And why is it kept a secret if such a programme does indeed exist?
These questions need to be asked and answered, because the absolute chaos surrounding the procurement and distribution of the vaccine over the last two months can hardly be called a plan or programme.
South Africa is still in the dark with regard to the details of the programme. Even Parliament's Portfolio Committee on Health does not know what it entails.
There is no sign of a comprehensive plan; merely different phases announced at the eleventh hour and provincial governments submitting their vague plans to the Committee.
The only honest response came from Limpopo that admitted it does not really have a plan and that it is struggling to implement a complete vaccination programme.
The first signs of the programme's failure became evident at the Steve Biko Hospital in Pretoria on Sunday when 2 000 healthcare workers could not be vaccinated due to a number of reasons.
In that respect, the FF Plus warned some time ago that the electronic system for the scheduling of appointments to be vaccinated does not instil much confidence. Many people do not have access to the internet and the recent events at Steve Biko served to highlight the problem.
The party also pointed out that the government is not able to manage such a programme on its own, given the incompetence and widespread corruption as was evident with the Covid-19 procurement processes, and that it must utilise the expertise of the private sector.
Initially, the government did not want to do this, but circumstances are forcing its hand to avoid utter chaos with the vaccinations.
Provinces that are able to do so must be allowed to immediately launch the programme in order to afford as many people as possible the opportunity to be vaccinated.
The current mess, which, unfortunately, puts many human lives at risk, once again highlights the fact that the ANC government will not be able to successfully implement and manage the National Health Insurance (NHI).
Up until 1993, the country manufactured its own vaccines. This is no longer the case seeing as the ANC also let this sector, like all the other enterprises under its control, go to ruin.