Poor planning, underperforming on targets and overspending on the budget were the order of the day when the fourth quarterly report of the Gauteng Legislature's Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements was tabled.
The Department's budget for the fourth quarter is R1 526 214 000, while R2 239 607 000 was spent. That is overspending of 47%.
But on the other hand, the Department achieved only 19 (41%) of its 46 performance objectives. The reason behind this is not always clear, but is mostly linked to an insufficient budget.
The FF Plus would rather attribute it to poor planning, monitoring and management.
Politicians' main priority ought to be service delivery, ensuring that the people of Gauteng have access to proper housing, and that human settlements are of a high standard.
The Department has good plans in place, but struggles to execute them effectively. What is needed are hard-working, competent and honest personnel.
Some of the performance objectives were not planned for at all. It proves that planning is a problem.
For example, 7 500 job opportunities for unschooled workers were planned, but only 4 860 were created.