Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Freedom of religion confirmed as cornerstone at international conference in Cape Town

The importance of freedom of religion as a fundamental right and cornerstone of democracy was confirmed at an international conference in Cape Town.

The theme of the conference was "Freedom of religion and the rule of law".

The conference was held this past week in Cape Town and various prominent international speakers, academics and legal experts participated.

The FF Plus attended it along with delegates from human rights organisations, political parties, civil rights groups and religious denominations from across the religious spectrum.

It was pointed out that the oppression of freedom of religion is often the first step in the undermining of human rights in general.

It frequently leads to the implementation of totalitarian regimes with the associated human rights abuses.

Conference goers concurred that all interest groups must always remain vigilant in this regard.

Any sign of the restriction of freedom of religion or religious rights by the state must be immediately and effectively opposed.

The widespread local and international support for the conservation of this supremely important human right is encouraging.

The FF Plus will do its part to strongly oppose any attempts by the state or the ANC government to infringe upon the right to freedom of religion.



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