Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

FF Plus in Steve Tshwete Municipality supports motion to remove ANC symbols

The FF Plus's support for a motion to remove ANC symbols from the municipal buildings of the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality ensured that the motion was adopted during a council meeting at the end of last week.

The ANC symbols include, among other things, pillars painted in the ANC colours and various photos of former ANC leaders.

It is against municipal regulations to display party colours and symbols in the buildings.

During the meeting, 32 councillors from other parties voted against the 22 ANC councillors. The motion was adopted and all ANC symbols must now be removed at own cost.

It resulted in the ANC storming out of the council chambers.

This marks the first time in the Municipality's history that opposition parties defeated ANC councillors in a vote.

After the elections in 2021, the ANC lost its majority in the council. And since then, more and more motions regarding vital solutions to problems in the Municipality have been successfully adopted by the council. It was not the case before.

Coalition and cooperation between opposition parties must now salvage what can be salvaged after nearly three decades of destruction by the ANC.



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