Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

FF Plus concerned that temporary repairs to N12 in Wolmaransstad could exacerbate infrastructure decay

The FF Plus is concerned about the negative impact that temporary repairs to the N12 in Wolmaransstad could have on road and other infrastructure.

At present, large amounts of red soil are brought in with which to compact the road surface.

Such soil is not at all suitable for road surfaces, especially not in a town. It will only make the dust problem, already affecting residents and local businesses, much worse.

Various local businesses have already suffered damage and many have had to take precautions, at great cost, to protect their equipment and stock against dust damage.

And if it should rain, the road will turn into a muddy ditch with enormous amounts of soil ending up in the stormwater system. It will block the system even more and during rain showers, streets will turn into rivers.

The FF Plus raised its concern with the Minister of Transport, Fikile Mbalula, who undertook to look into the matter and to keep the FF Plus posted on any feedback.

The FF Plus will continue to monitor the situation and engage in further discussions with the Minister during his follow-up visit to the province in April.

With his visit to Wolmaransstad on Friday the 11th of March, the Minister undertook to conduct a follow-up visit within a month. During that visit, the FF Plus will once again raise the other burning issues relating to the N12 main route as well.

The route through Klerksdorp is also in a terrible condition and the train bridge in Potchefstroom is decaying at an alarming pace.

Authorities need to realise that the repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure must be approached in such a way that it does not exacerbate other related problems or create new ones.

The FF Plus will continue to promote the repair and maintenance of infrastructure as a priority on all levels of government.




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