After three decades in which the incompetent government has systematically eroded South Africans’ rights and freedoms, true freedom is finally within reach with the elections on 29 May.
With support for the ANC waning, it is more important than ever for every eligible voter to use their vote to save South Africa. Stayaways need to realise that it might just be their silent vote that keeps the ANC in power for another term.
The country cannot afford it. One more term of ANC rule will utterly destroy South Africa. Freedom is increasingly eroded, in all respects, and the economy is declining by the day.
The ANC has clearly proven that it is unable to govern. No promise will change that. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s tenure, in particular, will be remembered as a term of empty promises.
Ironically enough, the ANC government’s most significant instruments to bring about equality – Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Affirmative Action (AA) – caused the most damage to the country.
Merit and competence play no role in the process, skin colour is all that counts. There is no skills transfer or development and, ultimately, it is to the detriment of everyone.
This is proven by the fact that a total of 26 million people in South Africa receive a government grant every month and 7,34 million do not have a job or income (Statista). This is not sustainable with the country’s shrinking economy.
People who do not have a job, money or even food cannot say they are free. People are not free if there is sewage running down their streets and through their homes. People without electricity are not free. And so, the word becomes meaningless.
These problems are quickly becoming worse. The country is inevitably headed for disaster under ANC rule.
The people themselves should take action to win their freedom and create a better future for themselves and their children. It cannot be put off longer than 29 May this year.