The FF Plus, in cooperation with several donors, repaired the roof of the Town substation in Vanderbijlpark which had been damaged in a fire.
This is the second time that the FF Plus has cooperated with donors to repair this substation. The substation was partially destroyed in a fire in 2018 as well.
A fire broke out at the substation in Curie Boulevard on the night of 26 August and destroyed almost all the electric components. The roof was also damaged.
Large parts of the older areas of Vanderbijlpark and surrounding small holdings were, consequently, left without power.
Repairs take time owing to the dire financial situation of the Emfuleni Local Municipality (Evaton, Sebokeng, Vaal Oewer, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging).
Power is expected to be restored to parts of Vanderbijlpark’s CW and NW7 areas (Bonanné, Muvhango, Stephano Park small holdings and Bophelong’s 18 extensions), which have been without power since the outage, within this week.
The FF Plus decided to roll up its sleeves and help repair the roof. Several donors also offered their help and contributions.
This is yet another example of how a community can work together to restore and rebuild