Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Gordhan ruling proves that PP is incompetent and she must resign


The High Court in Pretoria's ruling in favour of Pravin Gordhan in the legal case against the Public Protector (PP), Busisiwe Mkhwebane, regarding the urgency of her findings against Gordhan is further proof that the PP is not doing her job properly.

It creates the impression that she is being employed for faction fights within the ANC and in the FF Plus's opinion, Mkhwebane is not competent to serve in that office. If she wants to honour the reputation and the credibility of the office of the PP, she must resign immediately.

The PP must stop wasting taxpayers' money. She obviously failed to follow the basic legal principles, like allowing the other side to state its case, as she did not grant Gordhan an opportunity to respond.

If a jurist who fills serves in a high office does not even understand and apply the most basic legal principles, that person should not be holding that office and should resign immediately.


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