The State of the Province Address (SOPA) by the Free State's newly elected Premier, Mr Mxolisi Dukwana, offered the province nothing new.
It was the same old message merely delivered by a new messenger.
The Premier does not seem to have any plans for how to mitigate the impact of load shedding on the province's economy and well-being of its people.
It is also clear that the Free State government is at a loss when it comes to softening the severe blow load shedding is dealing the agricultural sector and businesses.
There are also no plans for making the province less dependent on Eskom's power supply.
The Premier offered few solutions for the terrible condition of the Free State on both the local and provincial government level.
Poor service delivery, worsening audit outcomes and unfunded budgets are but a few of the many aspects that require urgent attention and even intervention.
Although Dukwana referred to courageous actions in his speech, he himself missed a golden opportunity to act courageously.
He could have demonstrated courage by getting rid of underperforming members of the executive authority (MECs), like the MEC for Police, Roads and Transport, Mr William Bulwane.
According to Dukwana, the agricultural sector is not only the most important source of food security, but it also plays a key role in job creation in the province.
The agricultural sector relies particularly heavily on a safe and reliable road network, which has deteriorated to a lamentable condition under Bulwane's leadership.
And yet Dukwana seems unwilling to get rid of him for the sake of the province.
The FF Plus is afraid that Dukwana, like all ANC office bearers, will put his party's self-serving interests before the interests of the people of the Free State.
Only time will tell and the FF Plus will keep a close eye on Dukwana's actions.
The only real solution is to get rid of the ANC in the Free State.