The racially-driven quotas that the ANC government is now trying to force on the fishing industry will affect the fishing community of the West Coast fundamentally and could effectively wipe out these people’s share in this industry, Adv. Anton Alberts, the FF Plus’ parliamentary spokesperson on the Economy says.
In terms of the proposed new regulations in terms of the Living Marine Resources Bill, the new transformation goals for the industry will be in line with national demographics and only 9% of the fishing rights will be awarded to Brown people.
Adv. Alberts says this is yet another example of the government’s obsession with race which will drastically affect peoples’ lives.
“National demographics are once again being abused here to disadvantage Brown people in regions where they are the majority.
“The FF Plus strongly objects to these racist quotas which will effectively wipe out Brown people’s share in the fishing industry. Where will government find black fishers? Will it once again be jobs for black cadres as it has become the habit under the ANC government?
It is clear that in the eyes of the ANC minorities have no rights and that is why the ANC should be rejected with contempt by all minorities in the 2016 municipal elections. Minorities should also work at it to inform black voters how the ANC’s dysfunctional policy of interference in the economy disadvantages everybody in South Africa.
“Just like sporting quotas, against which the FF Plus had strongly expressed itself, this is also a form of the worst discrimination against a group of people who has a distinctive interest in the matter. It cannot be tolerated in a normal society,” Adv. Alberts says.
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