The FF Plus has given the Matjhabeng Local Municipality (Allanridge, Hennenman, Odendaalsrus, Ventersburg, Virginia, Welkom) an ultimatum demanding feedback on the missing mayoral chain within seven days.
The Municipality has not given any indication of where the chain may be.
It is not clear whether the former Mayor of Matjhabeng, Nkosinjani Speelman, actually returned the chain to the Municipality.
Not only is the mayoral chain of immeasurable historical value, but is also worth an approximate R20 million.
The chain contains, among other things, gold mined from every shaft in the gold fields. If it is indeed lost, residents have lost much more than monetary value, they have lost an item of significant historical value.
All municipal property belongs to the people.
If appropriate action is not taken soon, the FF Plus will be compelled to lodge a complaint with the police on behalf of all Matjhabeng residents.
The FF Plus is of the opinion that decisive action must be taken if the chain is not located soon.