The FF Plus requested the Municipal Manager of the Emfuleni Local Municipality (Evaton, Sebokeng, Vaal Oewer, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging), April Ntuli, to urgently postpone the deadline for the finalisation of the valuation roll seeing as the Municipality is experiencing technical problems and is, consequently, unreachable.
According to an official notice from the Emfuleni Municipality, the supplementary valuation roll and relevant documents for lodging objections are available on the Municipality’s official website at or at the following link
The link was not working for quite some time, though, and residents were only able to gain access to the information on Tuesday.
The notice also invites the community to phone the Municipality on specified numbers for more information. These numbers are still not working.
The Emfuleni Municipality has a policy of transparency, so, it is important that residents are afforded the opportunity to contact the Municipality. Those who are unable to physically visit the municipal offices, should be able to access the information electronically.
The valuation roll is currently available for inspection from 14 August to 29 September at the Vanderbijlpark Municipal Office, the Vereeniging Hall, Masoheng Sebokeng Offices, Mafatsane Evaton Office, Rus-Ter-Vaal Office, Sharpeville Library and Bophelong Library.
The FF Plus will put pressure on the Municipal Manager to postpone the deadline and resolve the technical problems so that residents have the opportunity to thoroughly inspect the valuation roll.