Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Debate in parliament: Africa Day – Mandela’s legacy of human rights and non-racialism trampled underfoot

Former President Nelson Mandela tried to establish a legacy of integrity and respect for human rights. Today, this legacy is being trampled underfoot – by the ANC government as well.

Mandela was willing to stand up to an African country, Nigeria, and express his disdain for the government of President Sani Abacha as a result of the execution of the author Ken Saro-Wiwa.

He respected the law. When he was summoned to appear before the court, he did. He did not waste tax payers’ money in an attempt to avoid being prosecuted.

What became of Mandela’s dream of non-racialism? Racially-motivated agendas that cause division must not be tolerated in South Africa. Non-racialism must be embraced once again.

The colour green is found on 44 out of the 55 national flags of African countries. For the FF Plus, green symbolises Africa and that is also why the party’s logo is predominantly green.

The white people living in South Africa are the descendants of people who arrived here from Europe more than 360 years ago. They have since made Africa their home. This is the country where they are born, where they live and die and they are buried in its soil. They are part of Africa.

The FF Plus is committed to South Africa and Africa. We are the people of Africa and if we all reach out to one another and join hands, we will make a success of this country.

Contact numbers: 083 626 1497 / 065 801 7216



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