The FF Plus strongly advised the Free State Premier, Mxolisi Dukwana, to put measures in place to prevent water shortages when the Lesotho Highlands Water Project closes down for repairs in October 2024.
Towns in the Eastern Free State will be most affected.
Repairs to the Project will affect water supply to the towns in the Dihlabeng, Mafube and Nketoana Local Municipalities.
The FF Plus is already receiving complaints from Reitz residents who say that they are experiencing water shortages and that reported water leakages are not repaired.
The Nketoana Local Municipality serves Arlington, Lindley, Petrus Steyn and Reitz.
The Municipality notified residents last week that water restrictions could be imposed when the Project closes in October.
Dukwana, the then MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), indicated in September 2022 that Nketoana was set to start repairs on pipelines.
That clearly did not happen. Residents are reporting water leakages, but they are not repaired.
The FF Plus warned in the Free State Legislature against a possible “Day Zero” should municipalities fail to put measures in place to ensure that residents are not adversely affected by the closure of the Project.
The FF Plus will monitor the Premier’s actions in this regard.
What the Free State needs is to repair and rebuild, as too many towns have been without water for too long.