Jarelange aanvoorwerk van die VF Plus om onreëlmatighede in die vakansieklub-bedryf bloot te lê, het eindelik vrugte afgewerp met die nuus dat ‘n omvangryke ondersoek voltooi is.
Die finale verslag oor die ondersoek, wat landwye openbare sittings ingesluit het, sal eersdaags uitgereik word.
"Die Nasionale Verbruikerskommissie (NVK) het op navraag van die VF Plus oor die status van die ondersoek bevestig dat daar eindelik ‘n moontlike remedie sal wees vir duisende lede van klubs wat veral probleme met ‘n puntestelsel ondervind," sê Anton Alberts, VF Plus-voorsitter.
Alberts sê dié nuus is bemoedigend en sal hopelik ‘n einde bring aan een van die land se grootste verbruikerskwessies oor die laaste dekades. Die NVK se volledige antwoord op vrae van die VF Plus oor die ondersoek, volg hiernaas (onvertaal)
Alberts versoek mense met probleme steeds om dit aan te meld deur regstreeks te skakel met mnr. Neels Hattingh van die VF Plus by neels@vfplus.org.za. Hy kan ook geskakel word by 012-772 4410. Die VF Plus het dié diens begin om die publiek te help deur hul klagtes by die NVK aan te meld.
Die VF Plus het gedurende 2012 reeds klagte by die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee oor handel en nywerheid en die Verbruikerskommissie ingedien . Dit volg nadat die party talle bewerings van ongerymdhede en onetiese optrede in die bedryf ontvang het.
Duisende ontevrede klublede van regoor die land het by die VF Plus aangeklop om hulp, en al hierdie klagte het deel van die ondersoek geword. Uit die klagte het dit geblyk dat verbruikers wesenlike probleme ondervind het met veral:
Antwoord van de NVK:
The National Consumer Commission (NCC/ Commission) would like to tender its sincere apology for the unforeseen, delayed release of the Timeshare Inquiry Report. We had projected that this would be done during the First Quarter of this Financial Year. However, given the fact that the project was the first of its kind for the Commission, and the magnitude thereof, it was not to be.
Subsequent to wrapping up the public hearings involving various stakeholders in the Timeshare / Vacation Ownership industry, the Inquiry Panel conducted elaborate research on several technical issues, some of which were either legal, economic and/or financial as well as regulatory in nature. This was to respond to the Terms of Reference, specific issues raised by various stakeholders at the hearings, issues extracted from hundreds of complaints that the NCC had handed over to the Timeshare Inquiry Panel, and also those issues relating to the Report which came up during subsequent engagements between the NCC Technical Support Team and the Panel.
The last phase of quality assuring, editing and printing the Report is underway and the NCC has sourced the services of an independent, external entity to perform this function. Whilst that is unfolding, we are engaging with interested, critical stakeholders such as the Department of Trade & Industry, several regulators and representatives of the Timeshare Industry in order to give effect to the recommendations highlighted in the Report. This is done with a view that, when the Report is ultimately made public, the NCC should simultaneously provide an update in terms of giving effect to the recommendations.
The Report will have two versions, given its voluminous size, with Version 1 intended to be a complete, comprehensive one, and Version 2 being an abridged, shorter one. Once this is done, we will proceed to release the Report publicly at a press/media event as indicated above.
Once again, our apologies for the unforeseen delay in the release of the Report. It is in the best interests of the timeshare consumers that the Report adequately addresses their plight.
Designation:VM Mabuza (Senior Investigator:Enforcement & Investigations)| Tel: 0124287789| Cell: 0823133835| Email: v.mabuza@thencc.org.za| Address: SABS Building C, No.1 Dr Lategan Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria