Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Freedom must be earned through work

Freedom is something which one has to work for, it does not come in the shape of a social grant, Dr. Pieter Groenewald said today in a parliamentary debate on Freedom Day.

He also said the ANC government cannot continue to shut the white people of this country out of society while their contributions and taxes are taken to be good enough.

“You have to realise that whites cannot just be the milk cows of South Africa. You have to acknowledge them,” Dr. Groenewald said.

According to Dr. Groenewald there cannot be any talk of freedom in South Africa if the events of the past couple of weeks in the country are taken into account.

“If you look at the attack on the Afrikaner’s history, the defacing of statues and the plundering of shops, it could rather be said that the country has become a criminal country.

“The economy cannot be freed if 17 million people are dependent on one or other type of social grant. It does not make them free. It makes them dependent on the ANC because the ANC needs their votes. That is not freedom.

“If Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment is to be continued there won’t be any economic growth to create jobs to free the people of South Africa.

“People cannot just keep on begging. We have to start work. Freedom does not come for free. It is something that one has to work for.

“If the government does not intervene in trade unions and neutralise them as their partners, this relationship will destroy South Africa. The government will have to intervene and drastically act against its partners.

“The communists in the ANC should also be gotten rid of because socialism is a certain recipe for chaos, disorder and poverty,” Dr. Groenewald said.


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