Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

FF Plus motion for debate in NCOP on Affirmative Action and BEE adopted

The FF Plus tabled a motion during a session of the National Council of Provinces to debate the government's policies of Affirmative Action (AA) and Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).

The so-called ‘brain drain’ of experts from South Africa is destroying the economy and the consequent lack of expertise is paralysing our economy. The current crises at Eskom and municipalities are direct consequences of incompetent officials who were appointed as a result of race-based policy.


This is further substantiated by the statement made by Capitec's chief executive officer, Gerrie Fourie, this past week that BEE only benefits a select elite.


Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action are not promoting an inclusive economy.

The FF Plus will keep fighting back against the ANC's race-based legislation that is causing great damage to the country's economy.




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