Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus




The Freedom Front Plus is committed to group rights, against affirmative action and towards a better SA for all.



GNU changes political playing field. The ANC's majority government of 30 years came to an end with the outcome of the recent general elections.


You can assist the FF Plus to make a difference in your community. Become a part of the only party in South Africa that actively takes a stance against the current racial discrimination and that takes a stance for a better dispensation and future.

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❗️Betaal is die wet van Transvaal want Eskomskuld = Staatskuld

Vryheidsfront Plus / Freedom Front Plus 26-09-2024 4:13 pm

ERFENISDAG: Miskenning van diversiteit dryf Suid-Afrikaners verder weg van mekaar

Vryheidsfront Plus / Freedom Front Plus 19-09-2024 6:16 pm

(Scroll down for English)

Eskom se onlangse aansoek om ʼn tariefverhoging van byna 40% in hierdie jaar op verbruikers te hef, lei sedertdien tot groot onsteltenis.

Hierdie berekening is gegrond op die koste van kragopwekking en die vereiste onderhoud en uitbreiding van die kragnetwerk en opwekkingsvermoë. 

Indien die groot kragverskaffer se finansiële verknorsing net aan faktore buite sy beheer te wyte was, sou die aansoek dalk ʼn meer simpatieke ontvangs gekry het. Verbruikers besef egter dat hulle nou moet instaan vir jare se swak bestuur, wanaanwending van fondse en selfs misdadige optrede. 

Die feit dat Eskom kan poog om hierdie verknorsing op verbruikers af te skuif, is toe te skryf daaraan dat elektrisiteit in Suid-Afrika ʼn geadministreerde prys het. Dit beteken dat Eskom om ʼn sekere tarief aansoek doen waaroor die regulatoriese owerheid, Nersa, ʼn finale besluit neem. Dit is omdat Eskom die elektrisiteitsmark geheel en al oorheers. 

Jare van beurtkrag het Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings, ondernemings en gemeenskappe gedwing om hul eie kragplanne te maak. Die nuwe werklikheid is dat reuse opwekkingseenhede nie meer kleinskaalse, plaaslike opwekking oortref sover dit prys en selfs doeltreffendheid aangaan nie.

Nou dat dit lyk of beurtkrag verby is, spaar diegene met hul eie stelsels steeds geld. 

Boonop dra hierdie kleinskaalse opwekking tot die groter prentjie by. Tussen 11:00 en 15:00, wanneer sonpanele die meeste krag opwek, kan Eskom ander bronne aanvul om tydens spitstyd te gebruik. Verder dek batterye, wat verbruikers gekoop het om beurtkrag te oorbrug, ook spitstydverbruik. 

Die gevolg hiervan is dat die geadministreerde prys van krag al meer aan die vrye mark onderhewig is. Verbruikers het inderdaad nou ʼn keuse as die prys van Eskom-krag hulle nie meer pas nie. 

Soos met veiligheid en instandhouding van infrastruktuur, kan gemeenskappe al hoe meer baat vind daarby om kragte saam te snoer en kragverskaffing van ʼn individuele onderneming na ʼn gemeenskapaksie te versterk. 

Frankfort in die Vrystaat en Orania in die Noord-Kaap is twee gemeenskappe wat reeds die weg daarvoor aanwys. 

- Dr. Wynand Boshoff, VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Elektrisiteit


Eskom's recent application to impose a tariff hike of nearly 40% on consumers this year has sparked public outcry.

Its calculation is based on the expected cost of power generation, essential maintenance, and expanding the power grid and generation capacity. 

If the power utility's financial predicament was caused solely by factors outside of its control, the application may have been received better. 

Consumers have, however, realised that they are bearing the brunt of years of poor management, the misappropriation of funds and even criminality. 

Eskom is able to try and foist the predicament on consumers' because the price of electricity in South Africa is administrated. It means that Eskom applies for a specific tariff while the final decision lies with the regulatory authority, NERSA. This is because Eskom has an absolute monopoly on the electricity market. 

Years of load shedding have compelled South African households, businesses and communities to make their own power plans, though. The new reality is that large generation units no longer outdo small-scale, local generation units when it comes to price and even efficiency.

Now that load shedding appears to be at an end, those with their own power generation systems are still saving money. 

Besides, small-scale power generation contributes to the bigger picture. Between 11:00 and 15:00, when solar panels generate the most power, Eskom is able to supplement other sources for use during peak times. In addition, the batteries consumers procured to get through load shedding also help to cover peak-time consumption. 

As a result, the administrated price of power is increasingly subject to the free market. Consumers now have an alternative if the price of Eskom power no longer suits them. 

As with security and infrastructure maintenance, communities could increasingly benefit from joining forces and bolstering power supply from being an individual enterprise to a community initiative. 

Frankfort in the Free State and Orania in the Northern Cape are two communities paving the way. 

- Dr. Wynand Boshoff, FF Plus MP and chief spokesperson: Electricity

(Scroll down for English)

Eskom se onlangse aansoek om ʼn tariefverhoging van byna 40% in hierdie jaar op verbruikers te hef, lei sedertdien tot groot onsteltenis.

Hierdie berekening is gegrond op die koste van kragopwekking en die vereiste onderhoud en uitbreiding van die kragnetwerk en opwekkingsvermoë.

Indien die groot kragverskaffer se finansiële verknorsing net aan faktore buite sy beheer te wyte was, sou die aansoek dalk ʼn meer simpatieke ontvangs gekry het. Verbruikers besef egter dat hulle nou moet instaan vir jare se swak bestuur, wanaanwending van fondse en selfs misdadige optrede.

Die feit dat Eskom kan poog om hierdie verknorsing op verbruikers af te skuif, is toe te skryf daaraan dat elektrisiteit in Suid-Afrika ʼn geadministreerde prys het. Dit beteken dat Eskom om ʼn sekere tarief aansoek doen waaroor die regulatoriese owerheid, Nersa, ʼn finale besluit neem. Dit is omdat Eskom die elektrisiteitsmark geheel en al oorheers.

Jare van beurtkrag het Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings, ondernemings en gemeenskappe gedwing om hul eie kragplanne te maak. Die nuwe werklikheid is dat reuse opwekkingseenhede nie meer kleinskaalse, plaaslike opwekking oortref sover dit prys en selfs doeltreffendheid aangaan nie.

Nou dat dit lyk of beurtkrag verby is, spaar diegene met hul eie stelsels steeds geld.

Boonop dra hierdie kleinskaalse opwekking tot die groter prentjie by. Tussen 11:00 en 15:00, wanneer sonpanele die meeste krag opwek, kan Eskom ander bronne aanvul om tydens spitstyd te gebruik. Verder dek batterye, wat verbruikers gekoop het om beurtkrag te oorbrug, ook spitstydverbruik.

Die gevolg hiervan is dat die geadministreerde prys van krag al meer aan die vrye mark onderhewig is. Verbruikers het inderdaad nou ʼn keuse as die prys van Eskom-krag hulle nie meer pas nie.

Soos met veiligheid en instandhouding van infrastruktuur, kan gemeenskappe al hoe meer baat vind daarby om kragte saam te snoer en kragverskaffing van ʼn individuele onderneming na ʼn gemeenskapaksie te versterk.

Frankfort in die Vrystaat en Orania in die Noord-Kaap is twee gemeenskappe wat reeds die weg daarvoor aanwys.

- Dr. Wynand Boshoff, VF Plus-LP en hoofwoordvoerder: Elektrisiteit


Eskom's recent application to impose a tariff hike of nearly 40% on consumers this year has sparked public outcry.

Its calculation is based on the expected cost of power generation, essential maintenance, and expanding the power grid and generation capacity.

If the power utility's financial predicament was caused solely by factors outside of its control, the application may have been received better.

Consumers have, however, realised that they are bearing the brunt of years of poor management, the misappropriation of funds and even criminality.

Eskom is able to try and foist the predicament on consumers' because the price of electricity in South Africa is administrated. It means that Eskom applies for a specific tariff while the final decision lies with the regulatory authority, NERSA. This is because Eskom has an absolute monopoly on the electricity market.

Years of load shedding have compelled South African households, businesses and communities to make their own power plans, though. The new reality is that large generation units no longer outdo small-scale, local generation units when it comes to price and even efficiency.

Now that load shedding appears to be at an end, those with their own power generation systems are still saving money.

Besides, small-scale power generation contributes to the bigger picture. Between 11:00 and 15:00, when solar panels generate the most power, Eskom is able to supplement other sources for use during peak times. In addition, the batteries consumers procured to get through load shedding also help to cover peak-time consumption.

As a result, the administrated price of power is increasingly subject to the free market. Consumers now have an alternative if the price of Eskom power no longer suits them.

As with security and infrastructure maintenance, communities could increasingly benefit from joining forces and bolstering power supply from being an individual enterprise to a community initiative.

Frankfort in the Free State and Orania in the Northern Cape are two communities paving the way.

- Dr. Wynand Boshoff, FF Plus MP and chief spokesperson: Electricity

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YouTube Video VVVNV2lkQkVLSnQ1NW43TDh5bmJVOXhBLnpxZUx0MXk3T3RZ

ESKOM: Nie ons skuld, maar ons probleem

Vryheidsfront Plus / Freedom Front Plus 19-09-2024 4:21 pm



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