Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Eskom like the struggling engines of a doomed RSA Titanic

Eskom is like the engines that have to propel a doomed RSA Titanic. The engines are however starting to give in due to maladministration and a lack of maintenance, even before the ship has reached the open seas,” Adv. Anton Alberts, the FF Plus’ parliamentary spokesperson on energy said today in the quick debate on the crisis at the national energy supplier.

The full speech follows:

South Africa can be likened to the Titanic of Africa. She is economically the largest – until recently – and her 1996 Constitution upon which she was build has made her the most modern of the constitutional democracy ships in the ocean, or so the experts say.

The RSA Titanic is also known to be unsinkable. She is managed by a company called the ANC that makes use of a management system named ‘transformation’ and is powered by mostly coal-fired engines built and managed by ESKOM. When she sailed into the post-Cold War seas after 1994 she was surrounded by the many other ships of freedom joining from the Soviet Union’s breakup.

The good ship RSA Titanic gave hope to the rest of the world and hinted to a global sense that the insurmountable can perhaps be overcome after all. It was the best of times. But it has become the worst of times.

I have to emphasise that it was boldly declared that the RSA Titanic is unsinkable. Not even God can sink her for the ANC-management will stay in control until Jesus comes. Words of hubris that makes one cringe with embarrassment.

Like the original Titanic, the RSA Titanic faces a series of dangerous icebergs, especially an insidious one christened the ‘Fiscal Cliff’. Yet, unlike the original Titanic, the RSA Titanic did not even make it to the iceberg infested waters. No, instead her engines gave in due to a lack of maintenance and planning.

The ANC management could not even keep to a very simple screenplay, but tripped itself up by turning a love story, as the world expected to unfold, into a farce that would make the comedy director Mel Brooks proud and horrify James Cameron. For what transpired is a comedy of horrors where, amongst others, the coal silo Majuba imploded while the boiler Dhuva exploded leaving a gaping hole in the ship!

The ANC management did not even need an iceberg to sink the RSA Titanic, they simply did it themselves! In the meantime the passengers demand leadership, for everyone is about to drown. But here is the thing: the captain is gone! No one knows where he is!

Waar is die kaptein van die skip? It is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Is he visiting other ships? Is he splashing in his pool at Nkandla? Has aliens abducted him? Niemand weet nie. All the while the unsinkable RSA Titanic is sinking.

Intussen besluit die bestuurshoof van die Eskom-span dat hy die skip gaan verlaat en neem ‘n aansienlike deel van Eskom se begroting met hom saam. Die oorblywende Eskom-bestuur vra die passasiers om op te hou krag gebruik en vra hul eie personeel om asseblief ook die skip te verlaat.

Intussen vergeet die ANC-bestuur en die Eskom-span dat hulle eintlik verantwoordelik is vir die lewens van almal aan boord die RSA Titanic en dat die meeste mense nie kan ontsnap nie, want daar is nie genoeg lewensbote nie.

Die skip neem vinnig water op. Mense begin verdrink en sterf aan blootstelling. Die sinkende onsinkbare RSA Titanic is nie meer ‘n grap nie, maar ‘n ontvouende humanitêre krisis.

Among this unfolding tragedy, the passengers are waking up to the fact that it is the ANC and its ‘Transformation’ policy that has doomed them. And as the awakening grows, so will the new movement declare ‘Transformation’ as a crime against humanity. And so it should be.


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