According to the latest crime statistics announced earlier today by Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, the murder rate increased with 6,9% in comparison with the previous financial year, carjacking decreased with 2,3% and robberies at residential premises decreased with 0,4%. These three crimes are known as the trio crimes.
The harsh reality with regard to crime in South Africa is that the murder rate has increased for the sixth consecutive year. At present, South Africa's murder rate is 35,1 per 100 000 of the population in contrast to the global murder rate of 7 per 100 000 of the population. That means that South Africa's murder rate is five times higher than the world average.
When one considers the trio crimes, and in particular robberies at residential premises, which is the most feared crime in South Africa, and compare it with the figures of the last six years, then murder increased with 30,7% (20 336 incidents – 55,7 per day), carjacking increased with 73,35% (16 325 incidents – 44,7 per day) and robberies at residential premises increased with 32,77% (22 261 incidents – 61 per day).
There were also 138 364 robberies with aggravating circumstances. Over the last six years, this specific crime increased with 37,3%.
That goes to show that South Africa is a violent country and the people are justified in saying that they feel unsafe and that crime is on the rise in South Africa; in spite of the slight decrease in carjacking and robberies at residential premises over the last financial year.
The FF Plus welcomes the release of the statistics on farm murders, which has been released together with the general crime statistics for the first time since 2007. This is as a result of the continued pressure that the FF Plus put on the government as well as personal conversations between Dr Pieter Groenewald, leader of the FF Plus, and Minister Cele.
According to the police, 62 farm murders took place during the 2017/18 financial year. Over the last six years, there has been an increase of 10,7% in farm murders.
What is also disturbing is that murders of women and children increased with 14,1% on average in comparison with the previous financial year. In the case of girls, the murder rate increased with 10,9%, in the case of boys, it increased with 20,4% and there was a 11% increase in the murder of women.
Women and children are the most vulnerable victims of violence and these murder statistics indicate that there is a serious lack of respect for women and children in South Africa and the police will have to take decisive action to address this problem.
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