“The mere fact that the former deputy Minister of Higher Education and convicted woman batterer, Mduduzi Manana, is still an ANC Member of Parliament goes to show that the government is hypocritical when it talks about women’s rights. A member of the FF Plus who is guilty of any form of violence against women will be suspended at once,” Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader said.
During the budget debate Thursday of the department for women Groenewald reacted to the statement by the Minister of Higher Education, Naledi Pandor, that women are not safe in hostels due to a societal problem related to violence among male students, and not due to insufficient security measures.
Always treat everyone, particularly women, with respect
“Pandor is right on target. It raises the question of how parents are raising their children to be a member of society.
“The answer is that parents must take a long, hard look at themselves and ask themselves if they are raising their children in such a way that they have respect for others.
“Respect is not only due to women, but to all people. Men and women. If you have a generation who has respect for others then violence, particularly against women, will be out of the question.
“It is common knowledge that the ANC government only addresses a problem once there are violent protests about it and when people start looting, vandalising and committing arson. “The word out on the street is that that is the only way to get the government’s attention.
“In this way, the ANC government is contributing to a culture of violence, while it is actually supposed to set an example to reduce violent behaviour. The same thing happens right here in Parliament where the violent actions of some of the Members of Parliament leave one feeling embarrassed. It cannot be tolerated.
“Today, I am calling on all men: Always treat everyone, particularly women, with respect. Being physically stronger than a woman does not make you superior,” Groenewald said.