Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Launch of FF Plus’s 2021 Manifesto: The decay and decline can be stopped

The FF Plus's Manifesto for the local government elections on 1 November 2021 offers a message of hope. Its main message is that the decline of local government in South Africa can indeed be turned around and steered in a positive direction that will benefit everyone in the country.

It is all clearly set out in the FF Plus's Ten-point Plan, which forms the gist of the 2021 Manifesto. (The full Manifesto is attached herewith.)

The decay of infrastructure in towns and cities is evident everywhere. Residents are overtaxed and do not get value for their money.

It hampers economic growth and job creation. No business enterprise can flourish without basic service delivery and proper infrastructure.

The ANC has demonstrated that it is unable to govern. It has also become clear that when a single political party governs and has too much power, it results in the abuse of power, politicking, corruption and misguided priorities.

The ANC's failed policy direction is to blame for all the corruption, mismanagement, load shedding of power and water supply, pollution and poor service delivery.

The FF Plus is taking a strong stand against this policy and offers hope for a better future with equal opportunities for all.

The party's team consisting of Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial Legislatures, municipal councillors, staff, activists and volunteers have proven that they want to serve the community, provide effective opposition, solve problems and govern well in all instances where the FF Plus is currently part of multiparty governments.

The FF Plus's 2021 Manifesto sets out the concrete solutions offered by the party's policy to address the current problems and improve service delivery and municipal management.

Today's launch of the 2021 Manifesto was a hybrid event as members from all over the country joined via a virtual platform. It was also broadcasted live on social media.



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