A panel of international experts and prominent South African academics will be participating in a conference on minority rights which the Freedom Front Plus will be hosting on Thursday (21 November 2013) in cooperation with the Unrepresented Peoples Organisation (UNPO) at Parliament in Cape Town.
Speakers will include representatives from the Khoisan, Brown, Barotse and Rehoboth Basters communities.
DATE : 21 November 2013
TIME : 10:00
VENUE : Old Assembly, Parliament. Cape Town
Wouter Wessels
082 674 6670
Pieter Swart
083 419 5403
Hosted by the FF Plus in cooperation with UNPO
“Minority Rights – International and South African Constitutional Perspectives”
21 November 2013
9:30 – 10:15 Arrival and registration
Program Director: Dr. Pieter Groenewald, MP
10:30 Opening and welcome
10:40 Introduction to group rights and self-determination – Dr. Pieter
Mulder, MP: National Leader of the FF Plus
11:10 Types of accommodation of population diversity – Prof. Deon
Geldenhuys: Professor in Political Studies, University of
11:40 The rights of indigenous groups on the United Nations’ level –
Dr. Danny Titus: Advisor of the United Nations on Indigenous
Peoples and part-time Commissioner at the SA Human Rights
12:10 Panel discussion
12:30 Khoisan perspective – Mr. Zenzile Khoisan: Editor of First Nation
Rehoboth Basters perspective – Mr. Jeroen Zandberg: Representative
Barotse perspective – Prof. Sitwala Imenda: Representative
Brown perspective – Mr. Peter Marais: Vice President:
Brown Empowerment Movement
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH
Program Director: Cllr. André Fourie
14:00 The functioning and objectives of UNPO – Mr. Marino
Busdachin: UNPO Secretary-General
14:20 Minorities: An uncomfortable reality of South Africa – Mr.
Pieter Vorster; Chairperson of the Afrikanerbond
14:40 Constitutional provisions for community rights in South Africa
– Dr. Christo Landman: Former Section 185 Commissioner
15:00 Panel discussion
15:20 TEA
15:40 Coalitions and minorities – Mr. Mosiuoa Lekota, MP: President of
COPE – To be confirmed
16:00 CLOSING – Conclusion – Dr. Corné Mulder, MP: Chief Whip of
the FF Plus