Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

FF plus to proceed with Equality Court case against axed mayor

Last week with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) Budget Vote Debate, the FF Plus expressed its dismay at the fact that no decisive action was taken against a major who made shocking statements on social media. This week, the major was discharged.

"The FF Plus also discussed the matter with the Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, before the debate commenced in order to obtain the officer’s (Vincent Mohlala) address so that a summons could be served," Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader said.

"During the debate, the FF Plus used Mohlala as an example of how discipline in the SANDF deteriorates if it is not strictly enforced. The FF Plus added that a light rap on the fingers for such a grave offence undermines discipline even further.

"Mohlala who is stationed at the Wonderboom Military Base in Pretoria said, amongst other things, the following after the murder on Professor Cobus Naudé (76): “It is your turn now, white people… [he] should have had his eyes and tongue cut out so that the faces of his attackers would be the last thing he sees …”

"The FF Plus considers such statements to be hate speech. This is very serious, particularly because of the fact that Mohlala is a member of the SANDF and soldiers cannot make political statements seeing as their integrity must be above reproach so that they can protect and defend all people in South Africa without bias," Groenewald said.



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