Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Msimanga resignation: Tshwane must get competent mayor to succeed

"The FF Plus takes note of Mr Solly Msimanga's resignation as mayor of Tshwane and welcomes his decision seeing as Msimanga is also the DA's candidate for Gauteng premier and, thus, he was unable to focus his undivided attention on his duty as mayor and on the people of Tshwane," says adv Anton Alberts, FF Plus chairperson.

"The FF Plus, coalition partner of the DA in Tshwane, had a good working relationship with Msimanga and the party will insist that a competent person is appointed to succeed him as mayor and to serve the residents of the Metro.

"The FF Plus in Gauteng is growing significantly and at present, it is the third largest party in the province.

"The FF Plus is committed to cooperation and doing everything in its power to ensure that the ANC's support in the Metro decreases to below 50%.

"When that happens, voters who voted for the FF Plus will be able to contribute to how the province is governed and, thus, voters would do well to strengthen the hand of the party that will protect their rights when it becomes a partner in a coalition government.

"This forms part of the FF Plus's Fight Back campaign which aims to ensure stability and feasibility in Gauteng as well as in the rest of South Africa for the benefit of everyone in the country," Alberts says.




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