Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Vandalising of church in Wesmoot sets alarm bells ringing

The vandalising and attempted arson of the Hervormde Kerk in Wesmoot, Pretoria, during a widespread service delivery protest in the city set alarm bells ringing regarding human relations in South Africa seeing as vandalising a church has a deeper symbolic meaning than an ordinary crime.

The vandalising of the church must be considered in the context of the polarisation that the ANC has created in our country, particularly the President who not only failed to promote nation building, but who also contributed to and worsened the polarisation.

The FF Plus views this incident not as a mere attack on a building of brick and mortar, but rather as a symbolic attack on the Church as a holy institution that the Afrikaner nation has valued greatly throughout history.

President Cyril Ramaphosa must take note of this because the attack had absolutely nothing to do with service delivery and the rioters did not achieve anything by it.

Vandalising a church will certainly not convince the ANC to pay attention to grievances concerning service delivery and the protesters know this. Thus, the incident truly sets alarm bells ringing regarding human relations in South Africa.


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