The FF Plus is concerned about the fact that various public schools in Mpumalanga have still not received their grants from the Department of Education.
And despite more learners being assigned to certain schools, the absolutely vital and promised additional classrooms as well as other basic infrastructure have not yet realised either.
On Tuesday, the FF Plus tabled a motion in the provincial Legislature requesting that the matter must be urgently finalised.
At present, most public schools in the province rely on sponsorships from their own communities. It is unacceptable that generous citizens must foot the bill for, among other things, repairing dilapidated infrastructure while awaiting government funding.
Educational and support staff members, necessary for the proper functioning of schools, are frequently employed full-time, but receive minimal pay and are hardly ever appointed in departmental posts.
The way a society treats its children and youth is a reflection of its morality.
Schools are social institutions responsible for the care and education of children and young people. The poor treatment of educators and staff members is jeopardising this and it does not bode well for the future.
The FF Plus will continue to put pressure on the Department until the issue with the grants is resolved.