Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

FF Plus submitting a resolution on farm murders and Afrikaans to UNPO

The FF Plus will today be reading and presenting two submissions on farm murders and the official discriminating against Afrikaans, to the general council of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) in Brussels, Belgium.

(The resolutions are attached to the media release).

UNPO will be discussing the resolutions this weekend and a result will be given early next week.

Dr. Pieter Groenewald, chairperson of the FF Plus and Mr. Wouter Wessels, national youth leader, has been in Brussels in the past week and, amongst others, had attended an executive committee meeting of UNPO.

Dr. Groenewald said it has become increasingly important to bring the message about the ANC government’s abuses against minorities in South Africa and in particular issues such as farm murders and Afrikaans, to the attention of the international community.

He said that if UNPO accepts the resolutions, it means the organisation has a mandate and an obligation to take steps and bring it to the attention of international bodies such as the European Union.

According to Dr. Groenewald, farm murders in South Africa compared to international norms could rightfully be viewed as genocide and the United Nations Human Rights Commission now has to force the ANC government to take urgent measures to put a stop to it.

UNPO will also be asked to take note of the trampling of Afrikaans and systematic eradication of Afrikaans, especially in the education system, which includes basic and higher education.

This latest action of the FF Plus follows on a visit last year of the leader, Dr. Pieter Mulder, at the end of 2014 to UNPO and the UN in Geneva, where the international community was also informed about farm murders, Afrikaans, affirmative action and other abuses against minorities in the country.

In November 2013, the FF Plus in conjunction with UNPO hosted an international conference at Parliament in Cape Town where group rights and self-determination, amongst others, were discussed. Well-known individuals in academic circles as well as various other prominent leaders in the brown and Khoisan communities attended the successful conference.


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Farm murders:



Submitted by (Member/Members): AFRIKANER

Organization(s): Freedom Front Plus, South Africa



The UNPO General Assembly,

Regretting the notable increase and continuous brutal murders of farmers and farm workers in South Africa since 1994;


Noting that the violence and atrocities is targeted against a strategic minority enterprise responsible not only for food security but also job creation, economic growth and prosperity to the entire South African nation;


Affirming that, in lieu of:

• a total of 1734 farm murders and 3341 farm attacks committed from 1990 to 2014;

• a total of 277 farm attacks and 67 farm murders committed during 2014;

• the brutal and violent nature of farm attacks and murders;

• the comparative figures to the international average of 7 murders per 100 000 of the population per year,

South Africa registers 32.2 per 100 000 per year – but, projected on the specific category it reflects 132,8 per 100 000 per year for farmers;

these continuous violent atrocities committed against the South African farming fraternity could, in international terminology, be referred to as genocide.

Therefore, we, the UNPO General Assembly:

Calls upon the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to table the report on its National Hearings during September 2014 relating to farm attacks;


Urges the South African Government to declare farm attacks a priority crime and take real action to stem such;


Requests the United Nations Human Rights Commission to initiate a full investigation to pressurize the South African government to put an end to these atrocities.





Submitted by (Member/Members): AFRIKANER

Organization(s): Freedom Front Plus, South Africa



The UNPO General Assembly,

Expressing concern on the deliberate actions taken by the South African government to dilute and eventually eradicate Afrikaans-language mother tongue education;


noting that:

• although English mother tongue speakers only comprise the fourth largest language group in South Africa, 21 of the 25 public universities in South Africa are single-medium English institutions;

• despite the fact that Afrikaans speakers remain the third largest language group in South Africa, there is no single medium Afrikaans university;

• there is current concerted efforts to transform all institutions of higher learning to single medium with English as the medium of instruction;

• the South African government’s continuing establishment of new universities where the only language of instruction will be English, is resultant discrimination against the other South African languages and mother tongue education;

• the South African government is forcing Afrikaans language medium primary and secondary schools to accept non-Afrikaans speaking learners which eventually leads to the transformation of the schools into English language medium schools;

• although the majority of Afrikaans mother tongue speakers in South Africa are non-white, racial transformation is used as guise for the eradication of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction at school and tertiary levels.

Therefore, we, the UNPO General Assembly:

Condemns the systematic discrimination committed with impunity not only against the 2 710 461 white Afrikaans-speakers but also the 3 442 164 coloured and 602 166 black Afrikaans-speakers;


Calls upon the South African government to afford equal education opportunities for all its peoples in their mother tongues, in terms of the South African constitution.




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