Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

Defence Force member’s actions in national park speak of ill-discipline

“The incident between a member of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and a game ranger in the Kruger National Park once again places the spotlight on the problems in the country’s armed forces and speaks of ill-discipline in the SANDF. The Defence Force member, marksman Alfons Mosiuoa Mofula of 21 Infantry Battalion should be dismissed immediately,” Dr. Pieter Groenewald (MP), the chief spokesperson on Defence for the Freedom Front Plus says.

“Poor discipline in the SANDF is busy reaching critical levels. Various instances of poor discipline have occurred in the past couple of years without proper disciplinary action being taken against the transgressors.

“Examples include the colonel with slippers, misconduct of soldiers in Burundi where a fellow soldier was even shot dead, the case of Maj-gen. Nontobeko Mpaxa who was guilty of various violations such as drunk driving and wrongful actions against subordinates but who was promoted, a senior officer who in a state of intoxication threatened the Police in Oudtshoorn which boils down to sedition, the submarine, SAS Queen Modjadji’s collision with the seabed due to negligence, etc.

“If immediate action is not taken against ill-discipline, further loss of life will follow and the SANDF will become a threat unto itself. What you sow you will reap,” Dr. Groenewald said.


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