Freedom Front Plus
Freedom Front Plus

ANC government should stop withholding opportunities from white youth

What the ANC government is doing to white youth is nothing other than racism in its worst form and the government is making it extremely difficult for white youths to contribute to the development of South Africa, Dr. Pieter Groenewald, the FF Plus’s Chairperson said.

Dr. Groenewald said today during the parliamentary debate on Youth Development that the government only wants to develop the youth of South Africa in terms of the Freedom Charter of the ANC and FF Plus will in this regard not support the policy document of the ANC or enforce it.

According to Dr. Groenewald, all of the comments of government point it only wanting to develop its own cadres and supporters.

He said the most disadvantaged young people and groups in South Africa is the white youth and the ANC is going out of its way to roll obstacles in the path of the development of white youth, merely due to the colour of their skin.

“White youth’s applications for bursaries at universities are turned down not based on their merits, but on the ground of their skin colour due to Affirmative Action.

“This is nothing other than racism in its worst form. Government says it fights against racism and this has to be eradicated, but it applies it passionately where white youths are concerned.

“What South Africa needs, is to get the best people for the work who are the best qualified to deliver the best for the development of the country.

“Why is it that when a white student applies to study medicine he/she has to achieve higher marks, but black students can be low and still accepted? We are actually insulting the people of South Africa, because what it says is that we do not want the best.

“We are seeing how Eskom and other public enterprises are collapsing where affirmative action had forced out expertise and because merit doesn’t count.

The FF Plus would like to tell the ANC that if it is serious about the development of South Africa, it should do away with affirmative action, because the white youth wants to make a contribution and government should stop putting obstacles in their way,” Dr. Groenewald said.


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