Rebuild The Defense Force
The effectiveness of a defence force is determined by its equipment and its people. Unfortunately, South Africa falls short in regard to both of these. South Africa’s National Defence Force (SANDF) has deteriorated significantly as a result of constant financial shortfalls and neglect in the form of poor maintenance. In addition, an even bigger problem […]
Restore Border Control
The integrity of our country’s borders should be restored. “Soft” borders result in an influx of people when economic pressure increases elsewhere in Africa. It also means that domestic goods, such as rhino horns, and foreign goods, such as firearms and drugs, can move across our borders. It also makes it easier for ruthless traders […]
Restore and rebuild sustainable electricity supply
South Africa currently finds itself in an energy crisis that is hampering economic growth and severely disrupting citizens’ lives. The economy will not recover as long as load shedding continues, and there is no sustainable and reliable electricity supply. The energy crisis should be addressed as follows in the short term: a) Invest in upgrading […]