Die grondgebied van die hedendaagse Mpumalanga is van niemand gesteel of afgeneem nie, maar Voortrekkers het dit bekom van die destydse Swazi-koning deur onder meer ruilhandel met vee.
Die Swazi-koning Mswati III het op 2 Augustus hierdie bevestiging gegee in ‘n gesprek tussen die koning en ‘n afvaardiging van verskillende groeperinge uit die Afrikanergemeenskap onder leiding van mnr. Werner Weber, die VF Plus se provinsiale leier in Mpumalanga. Die VF Plus se nasionale voorsitter, adv. Anton Alberts, het mnr. Weber vergesel.
Die doel van die samesprekinge was om te praat oor grond in Suid-Afrika wat boere in historiese ooreenkomste wettiglik van die Swazi’s bekom het, om sodoende die boodskap hard en duidelik aan die ANC-regering te stuur dat dit ‘n kwaadwillige mite is dat grond in Suid-Afrika van swartes gesteel is.
Hier volg die gesamentlike verklaring wat na die gesprek uitgereik is:
Joint Press Statement
A grouping of Afrikaner leaders met with King Mswati III and his Commissioners on the Border Determination Special Committee [BDSC] at Lozitha Royal Palace, Eswatini Kingdom on the 2nd August, 2018. The Afrikaner delegation consisted of:
i. Werner Weber – delegation leader and Mpumalanga Freedom Front Plus leader;
ii. Advocate Anton Alberts –Freedom Front Plus National Chairperson and member of Parliament;
iii. Mr. Louis Meintjies – President, TAU-SA;
iv. Mr. Jan Bosman – Chief secretary, Afrikanerbond;
v. Mr. Meyer de Jager – Member of the Afrikanerbond executive;
vi. Mr. Wilson Ngema – Co-founder of Insika Yesizwe of South Africa
Following discussions the two parties agreed on the following:
1. The good relations that have long existed between the people of Eswatini [Swaziland] and the Afrikaner people are revitalised and reaffirmed;
2. The Afrikaner people acknowledge the Kingdom and people of Eswatini to be the original owners of the land in around Mpumalanga, amongst other land;
3. That due to differences in cultures, when the Eswatini monarch granted the Voortrekkers land use rights through kuKhonta over the land by virtue of agreements concluded in the 1800’s; the Voortrekkers were of the mind that they were acquiring permanent land use rights. The parties, therefore, agree that the land was not stolen.
4. The parties are in strong agreement that any efforts to change the land ownership pattern held by the current land owners in and around the Mpumalanga area should surely be preceded by settlement talks and agreement with the Kingdom of Eswatini as per their longstanding request to successive South African governments.
In conclusion, the parties agree to continue with discussions with regards these land matters and are committed to working towards an amicable solution.