Vryheidsfront Plus

FF Plus lays criminal charges against MEC Lesufi for the intimidation of a crèche

Panyaza Lesufi, the MEC for Education in Gauteng must be fired, said Adv Anton Alberts, Mayoral Candidate for Tshwane Metro.

Adv Alberts laid criminal charges today against MEC Lesufi for incitement to violence and harm, intimidation and assault committed against the Koeitjies en Kalfies Crèche in Centurion.

Lesufi tweeted his intention to visit the crèche and the unfolding of the visit to 26900 Twitter followers. He requested them to join him in confronting the crèche that to his mind, was already guilty of an alleged racial incident even before an investigation was launched. Upon request of one of his Twitter followers, he tweeted the crèche’s address. He also retweeted pictures of the toddlers wherein they could clearly be identified and as a result could have made potential targets of them.

“MEC Lesufi also tweeted “I don’t play marbles with racists” further underscoring the impression that he had already found the crèche guilty of being racist.

The MEC hereby created a very hazardous environment for the toddlers and the crèche and this is evident by the reaction of one of his Twitter followers that tweeted a violence-filled photo from the film, ‘Django Unchained’ that depicted interracial violence.

“After the visit MEC Lesufi did not provide a comprehensive report on Twitter, but was more interested in making remarks about the racial composition of the employees of the crèche as if trying to downplay his own manufactured outrage about the alleged racial incident.

“It is scandalous that the MEC thinks he is storming the Bastille of racism when in fact he is storming a simple and quaint crèche filled with toddlers.”

“He is nothing but a clown in his own circus and does not belong in any public position. It is very clear from his tweets that he is playing for the crowd and does not even consider the damage he is inflicting upon innocents. The Constitution and Children’s Act 38 of 2005 is very clear that no one is allowed to harm children physically, emotionally or morally or is allowed to place them in any hazardous situation.

“The FF Plus has tried in vain before to meet with MEC Lesufi about the school problems in Gauteng as well as with the premier. The party has also in parliament repeatedly warned the Minister of Basic Education about the MEC’s conduct, but it was merely ignored.

“It has ultimately now led to the absurd situation whereby a crèche was intimidated and threatened and the FF Plus accordingly had no choice but to act firmly and lodge criminal charges against the MEC.”


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