Vryheidsfront Plus

ANC het geen idee of Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) opbou of afbreek nie

In ‘n verstommende bekentenis in antwoord op ‘n geskrewe vraag oor die beleid van Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) wat miljoene mense vanuit minderheidsgroepe uit die arbeidsmark sluit, erken die ANC-regering hy het geen idee wat die werklike impak daarvan is nie, sê adv. Anton Alberts, die VF Plus se parlementêre woordvoerder oor handel en nywerheid.

Hy sê die ANC strompel blindelings voort met ‘n beleid waarvan hy nie eens weet wat die negatiewe effekte is nie.

Adv. Alberts sê direkte vrae oor SEB, soos of daar navorsing oor die onderwerp gedoen is en of dit ekonomiese groei stimuleer en werk skep, is omseil met retoriek en dit blyk dat die enigste twee ondersoeke wat gedoen is, daarop gemik was om te kyk of bestaande ondernemings aan SEB-bepalings voldoen.

Vrae oor die toekomstige impak van SEB en gepaardgaande werkskepping en ekonomiese groei en op welke navorsing die aannames gegrond is, is bloot beantwoord deur te sê dat transformasie ‘stadige voortuitgang’ toon en dat die regering nog nie in staat is om die uitwerking daarvan te analiseer nie.

“Die enigste vae idee wat die regering klaarblyklik het oor die vernietigende uitwerking van die beleid van SEB wat die lewe van miljoene mense in minderheidsgemeenskappe negatief geraak en dienslewering grootliks vernietig het, is ‘n verslag van die Nasionale Beplanningskommissie oor navorsing wat tussen 2008 en 2012 gedoen is wat daarop dui dat ‘armmoede-vlakke in Suid-Afrika verbeter het’.

“Hierdie toedrag van sake is nie aanvaarbaar nie aangesien SEB en Regstellende Aksie (RA) groot dele van die wit en bruin minderheidsgemeenskappe uit die arbeidsmark gedruk en hulle in armoede gedompel het.

“Die VF Plus dring daarop aan dat ‘n onafhanklike ondersoek onverwyld na die meriete van SEB gedoen moet word. Tot in hierdie stadium is dit nog net deur die ANC-regering misbruik as instrument om kaders te verryk en die ANC se houvas op die regering sodoende te verskans,” sê adv. Alberts.

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Vrae en antwoorde:

2813. FF Plus to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry:†

(1) Whether there are any scientific studies which offer proof that the policy of broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) (a) encourages and (b) ensures economic growth and job creation; if not, what forms the basis of the Government’s assertion that BBBEE has encouraged or brought on economic growth and job creation; if so, what are the relevant details;

(2) (a) what impact does he estimate the Government’s BBEEE policy is likely to have on future (i) economic growth and (ii) job creation and (b) what forms the basis of the Government’s figures;

(3) (a) how many black persons have been developed and uplifted from poverty by the specified policy and (b) what forms the basis of the Government’s figures;

(4) (a) how many black persons does the Government estimate will in the future be developed and uplifted from poverty by this policy and (b) what forms the basis of the Government’s figures NW3449E


1&2) The aim of the B-BBEE policy is not limited to economic growth and job creation but also contribute toward socio economic transformation of our society. It recognises and takes into account that over many years the South African economy was created to benefit only a few minority. The Black majority were excluded from the mainstream economy and they continue to operate mainly in the informal economy with limited access to resources and marketing networks. There was and still a necessity post- 1994 to create an integrated economy which benefit all South Africans by policies such as the B-BBEE.

When B-BBEE was conceptualised and developed benchmarks were made with similar policies elsewhere in the world. We also recognised that empowerment in South Africa in not new because we have had Afrikaner empowerment which was aimed to strengthen participation of Afrikaner in the economy.

The two main studies that we have commissioned so far is the 2008 baseline study as well as a follow up study in 2012/2013. The first study revealed that overall the country was at level 8 which is non-compliant. In the second study the findings indicated that the country has progressed with the implementation of B-BBEE to a certain degree. The overall picture indicates that the country is at level 4 of B-BBEE compliant. The make-up of such level 4 is that Exempted Micro Enterprise (enterprises with a turnover of less than R 5 m per annum) and Qualifying Small Enterprises (enterprises with a turnover of between R 5 m and R35 m per annum) are at level 3, and Large Enterprises (enterprise with turnover that is more than R35 m per annum) are at level 6. The large enterprises, which are meant to drive transformation in the economy, are still lagging behind, as they are still battling to embrace and implement meaningful transformation.

3) Although the studies show some slow progress in terms of transformation we have not being able to analyse the spin-offs on economic growth and job creation. We are in the process of appointing a commissioner who will have the capacity to periodically provide such data.

4) One of the elements of the B-BBEE policy is socio economic development which encourages enterprises to invest in poor households and communities (i.e 1% of their annual profits). We believe that this element if implemented properly will contribute towards poverty alleviation in South Africa and thereby complement other policies on poverty alleviation such as government provisions of grants to poor households. The National Planning Commission conducted a survey which looked at poverty levels for the period 2008- 2012 and which shows a decrease in poverty levels in South Africa. In future we should be able through the commission to quantify the estimated amount that can be available for socio economic development initiatives in the economy on an annual basis and the impact thereof on poverty eradication.




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