Vryheidsfront Plus

Adv. Anton Alberts is VF Plus se premierskandidaat vir Gauteng

Adv. Anton Alberts, parlementslid en voorsitter van die VF Plus, is aangewys as dié party se premierskandidaat vir Gauteng.

Adv. Alberts is ‘n deurwinterde politikus met uitgebreide internasionale en plaaslike juridiese ervaring wat oor tien jaar as parlementslid vir die VF Plus by herhaling gewys het hy dra die gemeenskap se belange op die hart, ongeag hul partybelang.

Hy was onder meer hoof van regsaangeleenthede by M-Net en het dieselfde pos beklee by verskeie Kanadese firmas. (Volledige profiel en parlementêre prestasielys aangeheg).

Vir duisende Transnet-pensioenarisse het adv. Alberts se naam feitlik huishoudelik geword. Nie net het hy die huidige groepsgeding namens Transnet-pensioenarisse teen die staat geïnisieer nie, maar hy deel daagliks die lief en leed van meer as 40 000 van dié pensioenarisse wat grootliks na hom opsien vir leiding in die saak.

Adv. Albert was ook instrumenteel om verligting vir verarmde en sukkelende Transnet-pensioenarisse te bring in die vorm van bonusse wat hy beding het.

Hy het ook die leidende rol gespeel om die nasionale verbruikerskommissie se ondersoek na misbruike in die punte-stelsel van die vakansieklub-bedryf in Suid-Afrika te inisieer. Dié ondersoek is tans in ‘n gevorderde stadium.

In 2007 het adv. Alberts ‘n raadslid vir die VF Plus in Johannesburg geword en in 2009 is hy aangewys as parlementslid. Van 2007 tot 2014 was hy die VF Plus se adjunk-leier in Gauteng en van 2014 tot 2017 die party se leier in dié provinsie. In November 2016 is hy verkies tot federale voorsitter van die VF Plus, ‘n posisie wat hy steeds beklee.

Adv. Albert is tans besig is met sy doktorale studies in die regte by die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Hy is getroud met Marga Alberts en woon in Equestria, Pretoria.

Die VF Plus is bevoorreg om iemand van adv. Alberts se kaliber te kan hê as sy Gautengse premierskandidaat omdat Gauteng om verskeie redes ‘n spesiale en belangrike provinsie vir die party in die komende verkiesing is:

1. Die VF Plus is tans die derde grootste opposisieparty in Gauteng.

2. Die party kan met die hulp van minderhede sterk mededingend met EFF wees as naasgrootste opposisieparty.

3. Soos in Pretoria en Johannesburg sal die VF Plus ‘n wesenlike rol speel in die vorming van ‘n opposisie-geleide koalisieregering in Gauteng. Navorsing wys dit moontlik dat die ANC se steun tot onder 50% kan val wat ‘n regeringsverandering moontlik maak.

4. Gauteng is die ekonomiese enjinkamer van Suid-Afrika en daarom is dit belangrik dat die provinsie deur ‘n verantwoordelike regering bestuur word. Die VF Plus het hom bewys as ‘n bringer van stabiliteit in die koalisieregerings in Pretoria en Johannesburg.


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Executive Profile – Anton Alberts

Advocate Anton Alberts is admitted as an advocate/barristor of the High Court of South Africa specialising in the legal fields of media law, ICT and space law. He is currently a Member of Parliament in South Africa and serves as a full member on the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry where he, amongst others, promotes the development of the country’s space industry. He also regularly acts as legal counsel to foreign ICT firms investing in South Africa, ICT firms active in Canada, and several film and television production houses operating in South Africa, Canada and the United States. His career has taken him to interesting places, most notably starting off as a lecturer in Criminal, Corporate and International Law and Human Rights at Technikon SA (now part of the University of South Africa) and Rand Afrikaans University (now the University of Johannesburg), acting as Head of Legal Affairs for M-Net (Africa’s largest pay-TV operator), and acting as Legal Manager at Internet Solutions (part of Dimension Data PLC), Shaw Communications LLP (Canada’s second largest television and Internet company) and Legal Manager at Mobile Data Solutions Incorporated (a Vancouver-based ICT firm). Anton received his legal education at the University of Johannesburg where he obtained the degrees, BA (Law), LL.B, and LL.M (International Law (Cum Laude)), and subsequently received a Canadian law degree equivalency certificate from the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, as well as an M.Phil degree in Futures Studies from the University of Stellenbosch. He is a prolific researcher and has published several legal works, most notably the Entertainment Law Edition of Butterworths/LexisNexus’ Forms and Precedents, a chapter in the Internet law publication, Cyberlaw@SA, a chapter in South Africa’s first telecommunications law text book, Telecommunications Law in South Africa and very recently the introductory chapter in the first publication on Sports Law in the country. He also created a certificate course in Entertainment Law at the University of Johannesburg. Anton’s focus is now increasingly on Space Law and its development for a new era of cooperation between States and private industry. He is currently studying towards a PhD in law at the University of Cape Town.

1.1. Notable Legislative Achievements in Parliament:
1.1.1. Drafted Section 22(1)(b) of the Companies Act in Committee (as part of an amendment Act) – with reference to the prohibition on reckless trading – that replaces the insolvency-reference with a more practical draft that refers to the inability of a business “that it is not able to pay its debts as it becomes due and payable in the normal course of business” (now known as the ‘Alberts-Clause’);
1.1.2. Assisted with drafting in Committee the definition of “indigenous community” for insertion in the Copyright Act in relation to indigenous knowledge systems;
1.1.3. Conceptualised and drafted Section 28D(1) of the Copyright Act that creates a legal fiction that deems an indigenous community as a legal person so as to link intellectual property ownership to them as a group.
1.1.4. Instrumental in the insertion of Section 27(4)(bB) in the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) Act that ensures the publication of all economic and environmental impact studies for access by the public in order to adequately respond during public consultation when any toll road is to be declared by SANRAL.
1.2. Notable Other Achievements:
1.2.1. Initiated the ZAR80 billion class action law suit against Transnet (Government Railways) on behalf the members of two Transnet pension funds after all parliamentary remedies were exhausted. This is the largest claim in RSA history;
1.2.2. Initiated the National Consumer Commission’s official investigation into the holiday clubs point-system that affects hundreds of thousands of consumers.



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